Here's another impulse buy that paid off. Based on the description of the record by the seller and the price, it was another no brainer. I know next to nothing about it except that it was released in 1999 by the band and it would please folks that take to labels such as S.S. or Siltbreeze which, I include myself as one of those. The sleeve art was done by underground comic icon S. Clay Wilson. 2 noisy tracks of trashcan spazz punk that will leave you wanting more or at least wanting to know who the hell these guys were. I know I do.
Here's one that was a bit late in the game but a ripper none the less. Vex were from Macon Georgia and probably the only good thing that came from there, musically speaking. While Atlanta has had the glory of producing such great bands as Swimming Pool Q's, Neon Christ, Kris Meth And The Mistakes, it was the town of Macon which is also known as the "Heart Of Georgia" that produced one of the states best in my humble opinion. I haven't seen or heard much talk of this one, which is a shame cause there's not a bad song on the thing. Vex had all the charm, chops, and synth racket of Dow Jones and The Industrials along with plenty of spite as you can hear in the tune My Wave which is my favorite track on here. Great band, great record, cool sleeve, what more could you want?
Howdy, it's been a while. Work and laziness has postponed me updating so here goes 3 newbies to make up for lost time. Now With the state of the world today, especially the middle east, what would be more appropriate than another offensive punk record that came out of god knows where? This nasty lil sucker rivals Roach Motel and Aryan Disgrace in the bad taste lyric department which will certainly not get them any points with the MRR crowd but, I'm sure they're not too worried about that. 200 one sided copies pressed with a few on red. Here is 2 from this 5 songer. Find one before they're banned and burned.
Whiplash records, in it's short time, put out a nice little handful of singles that mostly concentrated on the New York scene except for 3 releases that came out of Connecticut, this being one from there. When it arrived in the mail it came with a nice little surprise in the form of a sleeve. This release was originally issued with no sleeve, so naturally my curiosity grew and I contacted Justin over at the Collectorscum site for help and he didn't let me down as he got in touch with Whiplash head honcho Andy Doback and he gave us the scoop on this elusive sleeve.
From Andy Doback: "We never had an official pic sleeve for the RAF single. The sleeve in your email was done privately in the late 1980s by a French friend of ours called Morpho. His dad owned a printing shop in Paris where Morpho worked. He designed this sleeve and printed about 25 - he gave them to a few friends & I got about 10 for Rick, some of our friends, and me. He did a nice job. Unfortunately, Morpho died a few years ago - he had diabetes. He was a good friend of Eric & Pascal of the Holy Curse."
A big thanks goes to Justin and Andy Doback for the information.
This was one of those blindly bought records based on it's cover in hope of it being something tasty. There is nothing better than picking up a record with a tame or unsuspecting sleeve and finding out that it was merely the bands way of throwing you off or baiting people like myself that will buy a record based on how ridiculous or in bad taste it looks. The payoffs are never in the same numbers as the strike outs but, that's part of the fun and gamble I suppose. I didn't notice at first that the great Flying Bomb records had put this one out or the buy would have been a no brainer as that label has unleashed a slew of killer releases by, Baseball Furies, The Hunches, The Dirtbombs, The Kill-A-Watts, The Blowtops etc. Rael Rean gravitated more towards what some may call Art Punk but they also had a certain pop sensibility to their tunes that makes it tough to shake this record out of your head. Other than this fine 3 songer which, apparently, I forgot to post the third song so that should be incentive enough to track down a copy of this sucker for yourself, they had a track on a comp of all Ann Arbor MI bands, that's where they were from, and a CD EP which, I would really like to get a copy of so if anyone out there is holding, drop me a line. This one goes out to all the hit's, misses, and the hunt itself.
I'm just gonna come out and say that I don't know a whole lot about this one so if someone does, please fill me in. I do know that they were from California, most likely Southern, and that this was their only release. Wherewolf is a great Horror Punk number that would fit nicely in comparison to TSOL or Bakersfield's own Burning Image. Some may even say the Misfits which I could agree with, they even went as far as to put the Crimson Ghost image on the hub of their 7". The flip has a great cover of the Yarbirds tune Shapes which kinda steal's the show for me on this one. Enjoy!
This one has been near and dear to me ever since I picked it up many a moon ago. Bored To Death were a group of youngins out of Phoenix Arizona that happen to spit out one of my favorite 7"s from the 90's. In the mid to late 90's, FYP would play here in Bakersfield on a fairly regular basis. Those shows were a lot of fun plus I always knew that they would bring a good amount of Recess releases and distro goods. At that time I would buy just about any 7" recess would put out, Yah Mos (Great Record), Pud, Les Turds, Sheep Squeeze even Second Hand. The Bored To Death 7" had a much bleaker feel and sound compared to the other Recess releases which is probably my favorite thing about it. Kids hating life and where they live has typically been a good formula for a punk record and this one is no exception. 2 versions of this record excists which has always confused me do to the info being the same on both as saying 1st press 500. The orange cover with black vinyl version was miss labled as Garden Weasel on one side which oddly enough was Recess records release #3. The other side has a white hub and is hand decroated. Any pressing info would be greatly appreciated as well as any info as to whatever happened to these guys. This 7" and a track on the 7" comp Play At You Own Risk Vol 1 is all they to the world.
Spent some time on getting better recordings for the blog and I think it worked. Thanks goes to Ryan and Brad X for their input. This next one is where I got the name for the blog and was also going to be my introductory post but, the Mannequin 7" edged it out. Tyros were from Pacific Grove CA and only released this little 2 song gem in 1979. A member apparently was also in JJ-180 who later went on to become The Realtors, had to throw that in. The song Parasite was a very cynical take on the average big rock band fan. They really nailed it back then and their message still rings true to this day. The flip is a tune called Cold Shot which isn't to shabby itself. Parasite can also be heard on Hyped to Death #3
Welcome to Rock N Roll Parasite! As a first post, I was hoping to wet the appetite of my fellow collectors with this obscure Texas rarity. Mannequin were from San Antonio Texas and their Return To Cinder 7" was released on Closet records, the same label that brought us another Texas behemoth, The Rejects. Like the Rejects, the Mannequin 7" also shares a freakishly small press of 100 copies. This is an interesting release as their sound stretches from early Posh Boy (Trouble In The City) Vom (Elizebeth Loves my Girl) to more Pere Ubu PIL territory (Just Trying To Be In The 20th Century). Get an ear full of why you can't mess with Texas.
I drink a lot of coffee, buy a lot of records, and play drums when ever possible.
And special thanks to Maylanie,the love of my life, for allowing me to keep records all over the house and for all the technical help she gives me on this site.