Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rael Rean 7" Adjust-A-Girl/A To V/Weakdays 7" (Flying Bomb Records 2002)

This was one of those blindly bought records based on it's cover in hope of it being something tasty. There is nothing better than picking up a record with a tame or unsuspecting sleeve and finding out that it was merely the bands way of throwing you off or baiting people like myself that will buy a record based on how ridiculous or in bad taste it looks. The payoffs are never in the same numbers as the strike outs but, that's part of the fun and gamble I suppose. I didn't notice at first that the great Flying Bomb records had put this one out or the buy would have been a no brainer as that label has unleashed a slew of killer releases by, Baseball Furies, The Hunches, The Dirtbombs, The Kill-A-Watts, The Blowtops etc. Rael Rean gravitated more towards what some may call Art Punk but they also had a certain pop sensibility to their tunes that makes it tough to shake this record out of your head. Other than this fine 3 songer which, apparently, I forgot to post the third song so that should be incentive enough to track down a copy of this sucker for yourself, they had a track on a comp of all Ann Arbor MI bands, that's where they were from, and a CD EP which, I would really like to get a copy of so if anyone out there is holding, drop me a line. This one goes out to all the hit's, misses, and the hunt itself.

Rael Rean - Side 1

Rael Rean - Side 2


  1. I have this 7". Every time I play it, everyone's heads whip around, and a chorus of "This is GREAT, who is this?" is heard.

  2. I really do love this 7". I'm still really surprised at how under the radar it is, even with my fellow collector scum. Too bad they never did an LP :(
